Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Whitechapel Gallery features an exhibition of John Stezaker's art, collages made out of movie stills, vintage postacards and book illustrations.
One of the characteristic qualities of Stezaker's practice is the use of the contrast, juxtaposing qualities and elements, for instance, black and white /colour, male/female, presence/absence.
Stezaker's artworks make an impact on the viewers due to their characteristic quality of simplicity and familiar references to pop culture and symbolism which evoke instant associations. The titles also play an important role in reading an image as they define, summerise, the subject matter and prioritise a certain interpretation.
The titles of the images: Tabula  Rasa, Love, Bridge, Untitled.

Exhibition Book (2010) John Stezaker. London: Ridinghouse and Whitechapel Gallery.

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